So Atomically Delicious

Skin Walker Ranch The aliens are drunk again
Dancing Alien
Drunk aliens reaking havoc across the southwest!

UFO Article
Greys and alcohol don't mix.

Aliens in the Southwest, Southwest Airlines...Connection? If you haven't already, read our utah monlith page

"One of my most dopest weekends was in August of 2006. I was camping with my peeps in the deserts of Utah. We was chillin by da campfire
when a craft descended from the sky. A scrawny grey came out and reached into our cooler and snagged a beer, then sat in one of our campchairs.
We didn't know what he was saying, but he seemed like an alright dude. Everything was chill until some Skynyrd started jammin on the ipod stereo.
Homie went nuts! Pounded all the rest of the Molson muscle we had left and even some of Milwaukee's Beast. He implied we go crusin in his ship.

That night was off the hook! We tore it up! I remember som thin bout genetically altering a cow with a scorpion as a prank. We dropped that $#!% off at
Skinwalker and bounced. Whole time Grey be like rockin dope @$$ tunes in his conveyance. We be all up in farms shooting lasers. Anyway, I Woke up with
no pants on in a different state (Wyoming) and a gnarly headache. I walked a few miles to a dirt road without my pants, a rancher in a pickup comes along
and stops besides me. "F*@#ing greys?" He said. I hestitantly said yes and he asked if I needed a ride. I jumped in, while we were driving he gave me
a card for a phone number to file complaints with their fleet admiral. See the greys do work with da feds and as part of an agreement, they are not allowed
to drink within a certain distance of earth. A hotline was set up to file complaints with their superiors. The digits is:*****. I never called it because
homeboy was bumpin rad. But it's fly to know I have the deets if I needs to.

Don't go drinkin with the greys. The Anubus are better with it, but the Anubus will eat all your breakfast bacon though. They greeds like that. Fo reals yo."

~ Hyrum Smith - Night Shift Manager, Sconecutter

Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes investigates the weirdness at Skinwalker. Pure Bad@$$.

UFO Article You'll have more questions than answers

What is the Black Knight Satellite? What is Black Knight's connection to Skippers Fish & Chips?
And why did it pick on the crew of STS-88 in 1998? What really caused the Bowling Green, Kentucky Hailstorm of 1998?
What does Byron Lichtenberg know?
What really created the Lichtenberg crater on the moon?

Dope, Phat, Fresh, Tight, Fly & Boom Diggy Links
on the interwebs

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Sucking Rabbit Holes
This rabbit hole sucks Skinwalker Ranch conspiracy theory is lame, I'm not a normie, but I want a different conspiracy
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